
Every Single Day


Every one of us has probably heard the saying: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” but in Simon Horowitz’s case, this is more than just a nice saying – it is an actual life story. Breaking his back and almost dying from a snowboarding accident not only drastically changed Simon’s life perspective but also taught him that:

“Everything is possible as long as you have a goal and as long as you do something for your goal every single day.”

– Simon Horowitz

He was crippled, in pain and physically at an absolute zero point, but he turned it around and within a year he managed to run his first marathon, all because he had a clear goal in mind and a strong will to reach it.

For many of us, however, goals can sometimes seem too big and too far to be achievable. We tell ourselves: “I want to eat healthily” or “I want to run a marathon”, but how we are actually supposed to achieve those goals is unclear to us. We give it a go for a couple of days, but quickly confusion, discouragement, and frustration make us give up, and all the epic things we could have done is left for someone else to do.

Yet, if Simon Horowitz, founder of FitBrit and motivational coach, managed to do the seemingly impossible, then you as a Moonshot Pirate definitely can too. What Simon advises is approaching your goals from a different perspective. Here is his advice:

  • Do something every day: Let’s say you want to get healthier by doing more sports. Then start training a little bit every day, some days going for a run and other days stretching out. Even just going out for a walk every day will help you reach your final goal. 
  • Break your goal down into building blocks: What are the small steps that will bring you to your goal? If you want to run a marathon, the small steps would be running X times a week, training your endurance, eating food that supports your body, stretching and resting regularly, etc.
  • See the bigger picture: We all experience ups and downs no matter what we do. In order not to get demotivated by those downs, it is better to measure our progress in terms of weeks, months, and years, instead of just hours or days. Moreover, remember that even downs can teach you a lot. #daretolearn
  • Set yourself precise goals: If you want to “to eat healthily”, consider what you actually mean. Perhaps it is “I want to avoid sugar and junk food”, “I want to eat greens with every meal” or “I want to stop snacking sweets.” The more precise you are, the easier it will be to reach your goal.

It can be really helpful to have a calendar to keep track of your daily progress, so we have created a Moonshot Pirates calendar for the rest of the year, which you can print and hang on your wall as a daily reminder. 

Once you have a longer streak, you will not only feel yourself getting within reach of your goal, but you will also have created a success base, which will help you tackle your next goals. With every challenge we face, with every goal we reach and with every solution we create, we grow stronger, braver and bolder. Growing a bit every day, you will have grown a lot by the end of the year.

For more tips, stories, exercises, and inspiration watch Simon’s webinar below. Also, feel free to follow him on Instagram for daily workouts and motivational fun!

About Simon
“Every Single Day” that’s Simon’s motto when it comes to life. Simon is the founder of FitBrit, and you can bet that he is both fit and Brit. As a health, fitness, and motivation trainer, he loves helping other people to get motivated for their own goals so they can constantly move forward. He knows what it is like to have ups and downs in life, and he is a strong believer of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. He is more than ready to share this mindset with you, dear pirates! Check out more about Simon on his website or follow him on Instagram.

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Tagged as excercise, goals, health, mindset, motivation

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