Future Inventors

SDG 07SDG 13
Data Science

The voting for the #beapirate challenge 2022 ended.

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World faces many problems especially in Covid-19 period as decrease the renewable sources of energy and this will harm factories and all of our life so after searching about applications of thermoelectric cooler we found that it could convert heat energy into electric energy so we use our body heat energy to be withdrawing by cooler and store the output of electric energy in power bank circuit so then we will use it in charge phones. it will help in producing clean energy and environmentally friendly and the project will reduce the effect of climate change because depending on body energy in producing electric energy instead of fossil fuels will help in reducing emissions of green house gases as CO2 so we will reduce climate change also. Note : all materials of project stick on bracelet to use the charger during moving or exercising to increase the input heat energy of our body Note: I recommend to use the project at higher room temperature to increase the input and output energies Note: Using many thermoelectric cooler will increase the rate of conversion so please use more than one thermoelectric cooler during applying project Note : I recommend to search more about body energy

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Amr EL-Moghazy