Climate Aid

SDG 12SDG 13SDG 14
Other technologies

The voting for the #beapirate challenge 2022 ended.



Climate Aid is a company set to replace the use of plastic packages for food, shopping bags, and other plastics for domestic use. The resources set to replace plastic are paper and aluminum foil packages that will be customized based on the use of the packages in each country. This is a goal that will help aid SDG 13, 14 and 12. Though there are paper packages already in the market in some countries, most African and Asian countries still harbor lots of plastics. This is why Climate Aid seeks to design these packages to fit the needs of each country of target, as a way to provide them with a package they cannot turn away. More so, Climate Aid will be the broad company face with three wings of operation; "Package Design, Process, and Production", Recycling of Used Products, and Converting of Existing Used Plastics into Useful Artifacts. As a grass-root company, we are focusing on three heavily indebted plastic using locations which are Ghana, Sierra Leone, and parts of Asia. All these countries are ones with high plastic waste contributions, and also have had promising availability of our target market; which are mainly food businesses and businesses that utilize shopping bags.

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Crew members

Mardia Adams kanyiti
Joycelyn Ola Ajike