
SDG 06SDG 11SDG 13
Data ScienceInternet of Things (IoT)Virtual Reality (VR)

The voting for the #beapirate challenge 2022 ended.

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After the Earth is polluted and humanity is dying. The people are trying to survive by going through adventures to reach the only clean sustainable village. This our game To increase the score, players will get points from doing something for the environment in the real world, like planting a tree, collecting plastic, use environmentally friendly stuff, recycle and so on. We are increasing awareness and taking real actions. We target the teenagers. Statistics have proven that games effect the awareness and the thoughts of teenagers. our game aims to change reality through the virtual world or “Video Games”. Through our game, we want to develop young minds about environmental problems and how to solve them. Educate them how to reduce using what destroy the environment. The player who plays the game must depict what he did to conserve the environment. Our game also aims to link reality and the virtual world. We also want to develop how to create strategies to solve problems. We aim to use the minds of our players to manage their resources and plan. Our game also aims to inspire everyone who play it to discover more.

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Crew members

Jana Saeed
Hala Reda
Mariam Mosalm
Abdulsalam Abdulkareem