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Artificial Intelligence (AI)BlockchainData ScienceInternet of Things (IoT)Networks and Computing Systems
The voting for the #beapirate challenge 2022 ended.
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UGlobe - the world's first social network for volunteers, uniting all active people who want to save our globe. Keep the track of events, participate and earn "Globe" points and become our Globe’s greatest saviour! Find everything you want on the map. 1. Warehouses 2. Volunteer projects 3. Food banks Find and communicate with people around the world! Add projects to your favorites to not miss out! And now, let’s talk about our main aiming idea! Our project is designed to bring together every volunteer and active person from around the globe. Our App is the first step towards solving ALL global challenges. You heard it correctly! ALL challenges! We are creating an international community of global leaders and change makers that can overcome any obstacle. Even though, our world’s greatest barrier now is the country’s governments and huge companies, with the help of Uglobe and the power of a huge number of volunteers around the world, we can easily turn the situation in our favor. With the help of Uglobe, anyone can hugely contribute to shaping a brighter future for our planet
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Crew members
Andrew Pustovalov
Aymen Jadda
Elizabeth Kolomeets
Aziza Tastanova
Darina Uralieva
Muhammadamin Ismatov